November 24, 2022

The Online Vizsla Shop

The Online Vizsla Shop - Red Bark Shop

Welcome to the best shop for Vizsla owners and fans! I started Red Bark Shop 1.5 years ago after I started Vizsla calendar sales to raise money for charities. After a couple years I added stickers, then went all in with hats, sweaters, and jewelry.

The designs are my own, based on my drawings and paintings over the years inspired by our adventures (and misadventures). Photographs are also on sale as well as loads of Vizsla themed hats, shirts, stickers, and more.

Pointing Vizsla acrylic painting
An acrylic painting I made of my Vizsla Whiskey and below, a hat based on the design.
Two blaze orange hunting pointing dog hats


Everything is shipped directly from my home and funds help support my blog and the content on my Instagram. Lets call it a treat fund for my Vizslas! It takes time to make content daily so thank you so much for popping by. Please take a look around the shop and hit me up if you have ideas for anything you'd like to see!

A Chinese ink painting of a leaping Vizsla (my own Bourbon) and the hat (below) with the painting.